1000 Books Before Kindergarten

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

The RPL’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program encourages families in our community to read 1000 books with their young children before they enter kindergarten. Studies have shown that reading to children from infancy helps to strengthen their language skills and build their vocabulary – two important tools for learning to read when they enter kindergarten!

How Does 1000 Books before kindergarten work?

To get started, come into the library to sign up and pick up your first reading log.


Each time you read a book (any book!) with your child, read to your child, or your child reads to you, mark one of the books on the log. Re-reads count! If you read the same book ten times, mark ten books on the log. If you only get through part of book, mark it on the log. If you read aloud from a book you are reading, it counts! Reading can take on many different forms!

Each log has spaces for 100 books and after you fill in your first log, you’ll receive a special 1000 Books Before Kindergarten book bag! After the first 100 books, each time you and your child fill in another log, bring it into the library and your young reader will receive a age-appropriate book of their very own! (Additional reading logs can be picked up from the library or downloaded here.)

It’s easier than you think! If you read just one book a night before bed, you will have read at least 365 books in a year, 730 books in two years, and over 1000 books in three years! Start eading now and give your child a head start on learning when they enter kindergarten.