Library Resources
Small, yet mighty, the Rollinsford Public Library has a lot to offer!
(Looking for activities at the library? Head over to our Programs page!)
BOOKS, Books, Books!
The Rollinsford Public Library is pleased to offer 12,000+ books and other material for children and adults. Our collection has something for everyone: fiction, non-fiction, picture books, graphic novels, large-print books and audiobooks!
You can search the RPL catalog online using our Atriuum site. (No login needed.)
To reserve a book in your name, log in to Atriuum: Your USERNAME = your library card number, and PASSWORD = the last 4 digits of the phone number you used when signing up for your library card.
E-Books, Audiobooks & More!
Your RPL card gives you access to thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, movies and music right from home! Patrons can access Hoopla, our new digital content service for ebooks, audiobooks, movies, music, television content and comics or Overdrive, the NH State Library’s Downloadable Book Consortium for ebooks and audio books. Learn how to get started »
Learn more about Overdrive on our eLibrary page or contact us for help.
computer and internet
The Rollinsford Public Library has 3 public computer stations all with internet access, Microsoft Office Suite and printing capabilities.
Having trouble with your tablet or other device or just interested in becoming more computer literate? The Rollinsford Public Library offers basic computer and tablet (or other device) instruction by appointment.
The Rollinsford Public Library has subscriptions to many popular magazines, including Country Living, Magnolia Journal, and Down East! Current issues may be enjoyed at the library and past issues are available for check out.
dvd and Blu-Ray
The Rollinsford Public Library has over 1,000 DVD and Blu-Ray titles for both children and adults!
The library has two meeting spaces available for use by the community. You can find out more about reserving and using our meeting spaces here.
Need to make a copy, print or scan and email a document, but don't have a printer at home? Color and black and white copies, printing and scanning are available to our patrons at no cost.
Our community boards keep you informed about what’s going on in and around town. We also have a Community Resources kiosk with specific information on services and opportunities in the area, and we offer museum passes for free and reduced admission to local museums and parks.
town historical documents
The Rollinsford Public Library has a collection of historical documents including birth, marriage, and death records. These materials are available for use at the library, but may not be checked out.
That's what we're here for! Come on down to the library or give us a call and we can help you find what you need.
Our number is 603-516-BOOK (2665).