Library Cards
Library cards are available at no cost to residents of Rollinsford, South Berwick, Eliot and tenants of the Salmon Falls Mills. Out-of-town cards are available for non-residents for a fee of $30.00 per year.
New patrons can either come into the library or apply for a library card online. Click here to access the online application. New patrons must show some proof of residency. Online applicants are required to email the library at with proof of residency before being issued a library card.
Patrons in good standing may check out up to 10 books, 5 DVDs, and 2 audio books at a time. Materials may be borrowed for two weeks and can be renewed as long as there's no waiting list.
View everything the library has to offer on our Resources Page »
reserve & renew books online
You may reserve or renew books online using the RPL Atriuum site. To log in, enter your USERNAME (= your full library card number) and your PASSWORD (= the last 4 digits of the phone number you used when signing up for your library card).
prefer to read on an electronic device?
Check out our eLibrary page to learn about Libby and Hoopla, two online services that offer ebooks, audio books and more, right from the comfort of your own home!
You can search the RPL catalog online using Atriuum (no login required).