Friends of the Rollinsford Public Library
Support your local library!
Who are we?
The Friends of the Rollinsford Public Library (FRPL) is a non-profit organization made up of community members who believe that an excellent library is essential to the community and who work together to promote and assist the Rollinsford Public Library. You can review our bylaws here and meeting minutes can be found here.
To build public support for our library and ensure its future
To promote membership and use of our library
To encourage donations of gifts, funds, expertise and time from the community
Contact THE FRPL
We’d love to hear from you!
You can email us at
or follow us on Facebook @friendsoftheRPL
Want to help out?
We welcome participation at any level!
Become a member.
Friends need friends! Return our membership form to the library with your check made out to “Friends of the RPL.” When you become a member, you’ll enjoy discounts to FRPL events.
Download a FRPL membership form »
Donate to FRPL.
Gifts in any amount are gratefully received and will go to support library activities. The Friends of the Rollinsford Public Library is a 501 (c) 3 organization, so donations are tax-deductible to the extent of applicable law.
Donate online with a credit card or PayPal
account with our secure donation link.
Thank you!
In addition to a yearly membership drive, the FRPL organize family and children’s event throughout the year. There are many opportunities to volunteer! “Friends always need friends!”
Join Us!
If you would like to attend a public FRPL meeting, please email us for upcoming dates and times.